The app, available on iOS and Android devices, allows users to explain what their complaints are to the app via voice or text. Next, users enter additional symptoms and other personal information, like their ages and genders. Your.MD will then ask the user up to three follow-up questions to improve the accuracy of the results.
After collecting this data, the app provides the user with information on up to five conditions or illnesses that best match their symptoms and personal profile. Your.MD is also able to sync user data from Apple’s HealthKit platform and Samsung’s S Health platform. Users can set up multiple profiles for each of their family members.
While similar services exist, Your.MD’s biggest competitor is, arguably, Google. In fact, a recent survey of more than 1,500 teenagers in the US found that a majority of teenagers go online to look for health information, though considerably fewer use digital health tools or wearables. And Google is also actively improving its search functionality — in February, Google announced that by better leveraging its Knowledge Graph smart search algorithm, health searches on Google and via the Google app will start displaying a wide range of medical facts about the disease or condition in question.
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